"Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way. Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags." Proverbs 23:19-21
The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has been firmly established. Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The evidence is overwhelming. Oxygen plays a powerful, primary role in our health and well-being. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce. Understanding this is more important today than ever before, because of a general deficiency of oxygen intake. Simply put, the best way to optimize health is to be sure that we oxygenate every cell in our body. – Dr. Norman McVea
The most vital element on earth is oxygen. Without it, human life simply could not exist. Humans can live for weeks without water, and go without food for months. But without oxygen, life could only carry on for a matter of moments. No other element in the composition of the human body needs to be replaced on a second-by-second, minute-by-minute basis in order to keep the body functioning – except oxygen.
That's because about 90% of the body's "life energy" is created by oxygen. In fact, all functions of the body are regulated by oxygen. Our brains process billions of bits of information each second, thanks largely to oxygen. Our eliminative processes work to rid our bodies of waste and toxins, thanks largely to oxygen. Even our most basic abilities to think, feel and act are intimately involved with the process of oxygen-related energy production.
Four basic components which have to do with the generation and maintenance of the life process are proteins, carbohydrates, water and energy. When looked at from the standpoint of their chemical makeup, the importance of oxygen becomes readily apparent –
nitrogen + carbon + hydrogen + oxygen = protein
carbon + hydrogen + oxygen = carbohydrates
hydrogen + oxygen = water
oxygen + carbohydrates = energy
As you can clearly see, all four of these vital elements of life have at least this one thing in common – OXYGEN! It almost goes without saying then, that the makeup of the human body is largely composed of the element oxygen. [Especially after you factor in the human body being about four-fifths water, with water itself being at least 33% oxygen. – Ed.]
Since the oxygen concentration in a truly healthy human body is approximately three times that of air, it is fortunate for mankind that oxygen is the most abundant element on earth. It comprises nearly 50% of the earth's crust, and averages about 19% to 21% of dry air in non-polluted environments [These environments are usually quite rural. Many urban environments, by way of contrast, are doing well to maintain a 12-15% oxygen concentration in their air! – Ed.].
How the Body Becomes Oxygenated
The process of oxygenating the human body works like this: When a person breathes, there is an exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. The oxygen, which is taken in by the body from the atmosphere around us, is picked up by the hemoglobin in the blood and distributed to all of the body's seven trillion cells where, among other things, it is then used for another vital process called oxidation.
Oxidation occurs at the cellular level of the body. It is part of that vital and complex process by which the body chemically converts nutrients into energy, and by which the body rids itself of toxins and other harmful materials. Without sufficiently high levels of oxygen (i.e., via oxygenation), oxidation cannot take place. And without oxidation, metabolic function – and therefore life itself – ceases.
As Dr. Norman McVea explains, "More than anything else, good health and well-being is dependent on the maximum production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by oxygen. Oxidation is the key to proper metabolic function, correct circulation, assimilation, digestion and elimination. It helps purify the blood, keeping it free from cellular waste build-up. Sufficient oxygen gives the body the ability to rebuild itself and strengthen its immune system, our natural defense against disease. It also has a calming and stabilizing effect on the operation of the nervous system."
Oxygen then, is a major player in the game called life. And being such, it is no wonder that scientists are now discovering the fact that low levels of oxygen in the human body can ruthlessly disrupt the body's ability to function correctly... severely cripple the immune the floodgates of illness and disease...and bring on premature aging. As reported in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, "If deficiencies of less vital elements such as vitamins, minerals and enzymes can rob the human body of its health and vitality, how much more damage must result from a deficiency of oxygen, the element universally acknowledged to be the most vital to life?"
Diet and Oxygen Deficiency
But the ongoing oxygen depletion of the atmosphere is by no means the only cause of oxygen deficiency in the human body. Diet is also an important factor. Few people realize, for example, that "junk food" is low in oxygen content and high in toxic preservatives. Eating junk foods on a regular basis ends up forcing the body to use up more of its precious oxygen reserves than usual in order to oxidize the preservatives and metabolize what few nutrients may be left. As Dr. Muntz points out, "Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are high in oxygen – examples are vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts. More than 50% of the weight of these foods are made up of oxygen. By comparison, the percentage of oxygen in fats is less than 15%, and in protein between 20% and 40% depending on the specific amino acid profile. Dense compounds, like fat and proteins, are not only low in oxygen content but require extra oxygen from the body to convert them into energy, thereby further depleting the body's oxygen reserves and making it work even harder to draw oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere."
Other oxygen-robbing foods include processed sugar, white flour, alcohol, and caffeine-loaded drinks such as coffee and colas. These foods require tremendous amounts of oxygen in order to be metabolized. But since they are so low in oxygen content and so high in caloric content, the body has to divert needed oxygen from primary metabolic functions (like proper heartbeat, blood flow, brain function, immune response, etc.) just to oxidize and metabolize them!
This is one reason why so many people get tired after eating. Eating is supposed to supply the body with more energy, not less. But when the body has to divert its precious oxygen reserves away from its primary metabolic functions to help digest a load of high-calorie/oxygen- deficient foods, it can actually end up with less energy instead of more. That's because the body's overall metabolism is slowly worn down as more and more oxygen is diverted away from it to oxidize and metabolize the junk food!
So too with nicotine and various medications – whether prescription or over-the-counter. Since they provide no oxygen content to the body, the oxygen needed to oxidize them must be diverted from the body's primary metabolic functions, causing more and more strain on an already strained metabolism.
Also important for air health is making sure you reduce the amount of chemicals used in your home and workshop and maintain adequate ventilation whenever chemicals are used. Open your home to the outside air whenever possible, especially in the bedroom when you sleep. Invest in a high-quality air purifier, and if the air is dry in your area, a humidifier would also be recommended.
Practice breathing exercises. In a relaxing environment, preferably in fresh outside air, take several breaths, inspiring as deeply as possible. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release. Think about your posture. Breathing power should come from your diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Poor posture contributes to less effective muscle contractions and the lungs cannot reach their optimum capacity.
Pure air is necessary to life and must be pursued for optimal health. Think about your environment and how you can improve your chances of breathing pure, clean air and energize your body and mind.
The information given here is for educational purposes only. It is meant to be used as a guide towards health and does not replace the evaluation by and advice of a qualified licensed health care professional. For detailed interpretation of your health and specific conditions, consult with your physician.