Health Benefits of Sorrel


Raw vegetables contain important enzymes that are destroyed by heating. They also are made up of delicate micro-nutrients that are negatively altered by cooking. For this reason, pasteurized canned and jarred vegetables juices are inferior to raw juice that's bursting with nutrients and enzymes.

Genesis 1:29: “And God said, “see, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.”

JANUARY 18TH, 2013


  • 1 pound sorrel
  • 2-4 oz. ginger
  • 2 quarts sugar cane juice (or you can use water with maple syrup or agave syrup to sweeten if you cant get cane juice)
  • 8-12 pimento grains (optional)


  1. Wash sorrel thoroughly, using the fingers to lift it from the water.
  2. Put into a blender
  3. Scrape and wash ginger. Cut into small pieces and add to the sorrel. .
  4. Pour in sugar cane juice
  5. Blend for about 5-10 minutes.
  6. Allow to stand 4-6 hours. Strain.
  7. Serve with ice cubes.

Tip: Do not throw away the pulp that is left over after you strain the sorrel – take the pulp, place in the blender, add raisins and a dash of cinnamon and two table spoons of agave or maple syrup and use as a spread to eat with carrot, cucumber or celery sticks!!!

Every holiday season in Jamaica, a certain type of drink makes an appearance. The main ingredient comes from the sorrel plant ' . Sorrel is a perennial herb that also goes by the names Narrow-leaved Dock or Spinach Dock. Sorrel tea can be consumed either hot or cold. Sorrel is also used as a dried herb in meals. The taste is a bit sour, and it’s customary to add flavorings to it, such as ginger or cinnamon to sweeten it. In addition to being a great drink for the holidays, the health benefits of sorrel are many. Sorrel is not at all common in America, but it’s popularity is sure to grow, the more people learn about its benefits. Sorrel is most prominent in France, Greece, Egypt, Rome, and the Caribbean.

The sorrel plant contains nutraceleuticals, which are said to be helpful to people’s health. Nutraceleuticals can help prevent and treat several diseases including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer. A group of compounds known as flavonoids are present in red sorrels which are known to be anti-oxidants. The flavonoids are also what makes is a good deterrent against specific types of cancer. The immune system is also enhanced due to the flavonoids. Sorrel contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

The anti-oxidant properties in the sorrel plant can help fight the signs of aging. It can help protect against free radical damage that can leave the skin looking aged and wrinkled. Free radicals also have a hand in causing stroke and Alzheimer’s disease, along with many other problems.

When used as a dried herb, the leaves of the sorrel plant can be used to treat itchy skin, fever, scurvy, and ringworm. Sorrel can be cut thinly and sprinkled over soups and salads to help relieve these ailments. Even if you don’t suffer from these issues, sorrel makes a great addition to a meal. Sorrel can be incorporated into meals as a sauce that can go over beans and peas dishes.

When taken in the form of a tea, this herb is helpful in treating jaundice and kidney stones. The liquid that comes out of the leaves can be used to help certain rashes. When the leaves are consumed dry and fresh, it acts as a diuretic and can clear out the body’s system. As a result of this “cleansing” the prostate benefits and can work more efficiently. Sorrel has also been used to treat hemorrhages when combined with the seeds and roots of the plant.

Sorrel is much more that a holiday beverage. There are quite a few health benefits of sorrel. Because sorrel is a natural laxative, only a small amount should be used at any one time. It could cause the stomach to react badly. However, medical studies have been performed, showing that this herb can help improve a person’s quality of life and help to maintain the health and function of the whole body.


The information given here is for educational purposes only. It is meant to be used as a guide towards health and does not replace the evaluation by and advice of a qualified licensed health care professional. For detailed interpretation of your health and specific conditions, consult with your physician.

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