Functions of Water in the Body

Have some water to improve your health!

Water is a very important part of our lives, both inside and outside the body. We need to drink 6 to 8 good-sized glasses of clean water each day, less if you diet consist mainly of fruits and vegetables which are high in water content. A good health habit to develop is to drink 1 to 2 glasses of water when you get out of bed. This helps to flush out the stomach and make preparation for digestion.

It is best not to drink water with meals and to have it at least 20 to 30 minutes before eating a food. This way the water does not dilute the acid juices which break down the food when it comes into the stomach at meal time. For this reason it is best not to drink with any meal. It can cause the food to stay in the stomach longer than needed and it starts to ferment and build up bad gases. The blood needs a good supply of clean water as well. Water helps blood to flow around our blood system, to keep our body running well.

water in the human bodyIf we could follow our blood into all the hidden recesses of our body, we would find that it picks up poisons and waste matter on its travels. Water is essential for the function of the kidneys as they continuously filter the blood. The kidneys' work is made more efficient if we drink plenty of clean water. The body will keep healthier. Also, if we have trouble with passing solid wastes (constipation), this can often be relieved by drinking a good supply of warm water.

 It is essential to drink plenty of water when we are sick. It helps to pave the way for a quicker recovery. People suffering from colds, fever, infections and viruses will be greatly helped if they increase their water intake.

The functions of water in human body are vital. The water:

  • Transports nutrients and oxygen into cells
  • Moisturizes the air in lungs
  • Helps with metabolism
  • Protects our vital organ
  • Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Detoxifies
  • Protects and moisturizes our joints

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